说明: 应用程序试图执行安全策略不允许的操作。要授予此应用程序所需的权限,请与系统管理员联系,或在配置文件中更改该应用程序的信任级别。异常详细信息: System.Security.SecurityException: 不允许所请求的注册表访问权。
我家里的机器上没有装Enterprise Library,于是担心是不是跟这个有关,试着装了一下(June2005版),发现还是不行。真是头大了,不会这么不顺利吧。于是上博客园寻求帮助,还好经过一番努力找到了解决办法,并测试成功。正面是主要步骤:解决方案:
1、去掉这些代码。(这会是一个痛苦的经历,代码割舍不清呀)2、给IUSR 帐户访问注册表的权限(安全问题呀!)我们当然不推荐这2个做法:我们推荐的做法:重新编译 Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common 项目,编译时把其中 Conditional Compilation Constants 设置中除 DEBUG;TRACE 外的其他项都去掉。
具体步骤:1. Open Start->programs->MS Patterns and Practices -> Ent Lib -> App Blocks -> Ent Lib.Sln.
2. Take your own sweet time to minimize all the folder(s) in ur solution window.
3. Rt Clk on the “Common” project and go to “Properties”
4. In the “Configuration Properties” go to the “Build” option.
5. In the Conditional Build section of the property grid, remove everything except “DEBUG;TRACE”
6. Close everything and recompile.
Remember...on compilation nothing will go to your common bin folder. I just plainly used the “Copy Assemblies to bin directory” option in my Start->programs->MS Patterns and Practices -> Ent Lib part of my menu.
Now...just to be sure....de-reference your existing references to the entlib and add references again.....and woala.....you are done.